News and media



Vandaag hadden we een online internationaal Final Conference over het EducAction project. We gingen in interactie met onder andere een journalist uit Griekenland, een verantwoordelijke voor jeugdwerking in Milaan, een projectverantwoordelijke uit Portugal en natuurlijk de studenten die net als wij deelnamen aan het EducAction project. Een leerrijke voormiddag waaruit het belang van jongerenparticipatie centraal stond.❤️

#teap #educaction #theeducactionproject #youthparticipation

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What an experience! Hoe zalig dat we eindelijk ons eigen werk konden voorstellen aan de projectgroepen uit Thessaloniki, Milaan en Portugal. Daarnaast hielpen we mee aan het Europees manifest om jongerenparticipatie te boosten. 👏👏 Applausje voor onszelf 💪 #teap #theeducactionproject ...

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What a great opportunity!
We had the chance to present our community proposal to the Hasselt city centre manager Ben Croonenborghs.
He was able to tell us more about his position as a centre manager and his feedback for the proposals.

Thank you Ben Croonenborghs, it was nice to meet you!

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #atheneumhasselt #centrummanager #hasselt

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Photovideo reportage. Abbiamo realizzato questo photovideo reportage con l'aiuto di officinadellaproduzione
#theeducactionproject #officinadellaproduzione #cdecreta #municipio6 #handicapsulatesta #actionaiditalia #erasmusplus

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Intervista alla Prof. Guarnieri. Intervista alla Prof. Guarnieri sullo stato della scuola italiana e sul tema della dispersione scolastica.
#theeducactionproject #actionaiditalia #dispersionescolastica #orianimazzini

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È fuori onda il nostro, tanto atteso, film d'azione! Apparte gli scherzi, dopo un caldo infernale e tanto sudore, finalmente possiamo tirare un sospiro di sollievo e presentarvi questo interessante photo video reportage. Consiglio a tutti di andarlo subito a vedere e di imparare qualcosa di nuovo. D'altronde era questo uno degli obiettivi principali. Mi raccomando, lo trovate sul canale Youtube di actionaiditalia, con titolo: "Progetto Educ-Azione, Good Governance e Partecipazione Civica".
Ringrazio infine, a nome di tutta la classe 4H, i fantastici ragazzi del cde_creta e officinadellaproduzione, che hanno permesso tutto questo e i nostri bravi e coraggiosi attori.
Ancora grazie e buona visone!
#youtube #cdecreta #officinadellaproduzione

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👨‍🏫 O Adjunto do Director da Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa aeprosa, Prof. André Lara Ramos, foi convidado pela associação local Civis - Associação para o Aprofundamento da Cidadania* a participar, no dia 26 de Maio, numa sessão de debate online sobre o tema "Educação e Participação - A escola como contexto de promoção da cidadania e da participação juvenil".

✉️ Este convite foi também endereçado à equipa da coopecos, responsável pela coordenação local do projecto EducAction, implementado nesta escola secundária, com o intuito de apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido neste âmbito.

🏫 A escola é lugar privilegiado para o desenvolvimento integral de crianças e jovens. Em matéria de cidadania e participação, a sua centralidade e relações com a comunidade e entidades locais, são aspetos capazes de impulsionar o crescente envolvimento das camadas mais jovens na vida da sua comunidade e, consequentemente, fomentar o exercício de uma participação cívica cada vez mais informada, activa e empoderada.

🗣️ Partindo destes pressupostos, oradores e participantes enriqueceram a sessão com apresentações e um momento de debate em torno de estratégias e projectos que, tal como EducAction, visam promover a participação dos jovens na Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa.

*Pode conhecer mais acerca do trabalho desenvolvido pela CIVIS em:

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #educactionproject #EducAction #coopecos #aeprosa #participaçãojovem #participation #comunidade #community #communitylabs #youthparticipation #erasmus

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"Arte é...Mágica...Vida...Lá dentro...Liberdade...Isto...Ser humano...Aventura...Tudo...Alívio..."

Final da sessão "Chá das 5", um momento rico de partilhas com sabor a Arte, Cultura e Educação.

Ficámos a conhecer vários projectos do aeprosa, que começam na escola e se estendem às ruas da cidade, entre viagens a Marte, artistas que "vivem" (n)a escola, rádios 100 limite de som, provocações no olhar, teatro em palcos cobertos de tapetes mágicos, janelas musicais, podcasts sempre a aviar diferentes temas e assuntos...curiosos/as?
Fiquem a saber mais através de:






#chadas5 #aeprosa #planonacionaldasartes #planoculturaldeescola #coopecos #TEAP #theeducactionproject #saberagir #escola #comunidade #arte #cultura #educação #participação #jovens #erasmus

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De leerlingen van 5HW stellen de resultaten van hun onderzoek voor! Wil je zelf meevolgen en weten wat er leeft bij de leerlingen van het Atheneum? Schrijf je in voor het webinar op 12 maart via . (Of vind de link inbio). Je ontvangt de link na inschrijving.

#TEAP #participation #youth empowerment #theeducactionproject

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Het Atheneum Hasselt accepted the challenge! 💪✅

Grenzen verleggen en participatie zijn de sleutelwoorden van deze Hasseltse school. Ze motiveren hun leerlingen om zelf de touwtjes in handen te nemen. Benieuwd wat dat gaat geven bij het EducAction project? STAY TUNED!

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #participation #youthempowerment #UCLL

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Hasselt Hurray! We are proud to announce our local community.
We zijn blij om aan te kondigen dat de stad Hasselt mee in zee gaat met het EducAction project. Ze zijn bereid om hun kennis en expertise te delen met jongeren. Participatie en inspraak door en voor jongeren, dat is onze gezamenlijke agenda.

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #EducAction #hasselt #UCLL #communitylabs #participation

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The EducAction project in Milan is taking its steps to finalisation.

In their presentation to class 4^H they summarised all the steps tat led tot the final solution of their project 💪


In Greece, the students of TEAP are searching, discussing, deciding and.. proposing solutions for a City for Youth 🤩


EducAction is taking big steps in Milan-
Presentation of project to class 4^H.
We have tried to summarise all the steps that led to the final solution of the project… Almost there!


What a great opportunity!
The pupils of the EducAction project from Hasselt had the chance to present their community proposal to the Hasselt city centre manager Ben Croonenborghs today.
He was able to tell them more about his position as a centre manager and his feedback for the proposals.
Thank you Ben Croonenborghs, it was nice to meet you!


The importance of youth participation.
That was the theme of today’s informative and inspiring webinar organised by the Belgian TEAP partner UCLL Research & Expertise. We had the opportunity to hear from experts in the field of participation from the organisations Bataljong and @Pimento . We also got the chance to explain the EducAction project to teachers, volunteers, policy makers and other participants who want to give young people a voice.

Fun way to start a new week!


Aligning together, informing and inspiring each other. That is the result of the gathering in Thessaloniki where the participating partners finally had the chance to meet each other in real life. A shoutout to Asteri for hosting us in their hometown.
Actionaid, UCLL and Asteri were physically present, Ecos followed online, to update each other on the progress of the participation project in the different European schools and communities.
In Portugal, Greece, Italy and Belgium the partners worked hard with local youth to design school and community projects. Now it’s up to us to get these proposals to policy makers. We are also working towards the Hachaton in February, where the participating young people will all come together in Belgium to draw up a Youth Participation Manifesto. More on this soon.


Would you like to get started with #youthparticipation within your school, organization or policy? Our Belgian partner UCLL is hosting a free webinar with insights from The EducAtion Project ( and relevant speakers to inform, inspire and motivate participants to engage young people. (DUTCH)
More info/enrollment via the link.
29/11 – 13.30 – 15.30


Hungry for some inspiration to get started with youth participiation at school? You can download the problem statement report and the young led civic initiatives report per participating city on our website:

We are getting ready to meet the project partners in real life. Our Greek partner Asteri will host the partner meeting in beautiful Thessaloniki.
4 and 5 October we will have the opportunity to catch up but also to present to each other what we have achieved so far in this EducAction project. Before we all go back home, the planning for the upcoming events such as the national open labs and the international hackhaton will be on the table.
It’s September, and we are so ready to jump right back into it after a summer break! The coming months, students in the participating schools will work closely together with the local authorities to realise their great ideas for their communities. Curious to see what solutions they came up with? Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Instagram to see what they are up to!
On June 28, the project coordinator of EducAction Faro was invited to participate (together with two representatives of entities from our community), as a speaker, in the launch event of the “Community Driving Change” project.* She spoke about the EducAction project: its general structure and phases, activities, participants and contexts, results and events. A short excerpt from our local Webinar video was also presented to the participants, in order to show them the main results of the School Labs phase (problems identified in the school context and solutions designed to address these problems) through the voice of the students involved in the project.
The event was focused on the themes and areas of intervention common to all the organizations and projects gathered at the event: the empowerment of citizens; the strengthening of the civic role; the importance of spaces for participation, public consultation, and community involvement in decision-making processes capable of creating solutions that serve and respect their aspirations and crucial needs, in different areas, as a whole.
After the presentations, we had a space for debate focused on distinct participatory contexts and approaches, both at the local and regional level (Faro and Algarve).
Please check the link for a short event video:
* This project is co-founded by Europe for Citizens – Civil Society Projects and coordinated by the local organization “Contextos”.
You can check Contextos’ work at:
The Vice-Principal of Pinheiro e Rosa Secondary School in Faro, Portugal was invited by the local association “Civis – Association for the Deepening of Citizenship “* to participate, on May 26, in an online debate session on the theme “Education and Participation”. The Vice President invited Patrícia Henriques, from Ecos – responsible for the local coordination of the EducAction project, implemented in this secondary school – to participate in the session and to present the project.
She accepted the challenge and, together with the school board and the school psychologist (also a speaker at the event), created the presentation under the theme “Education and Participation – The school as a context for promoting citizenship and youth participation”.
As we all know, school is a privileged place for the integral development of children and young people. In terms of citizenship and participation, its centrality and relations with the community and local entities are aspects that can stimulate and increase the involvement of young people in the life of their community and, consequently, foster the exercise of an increasingly informed, active and empowered civic participation.
With these ideas as guidelines and beliefs, the set of speakers enriched the session with presentations and debates around strategies and projects that, like EducAction, aim to promote youth participation at Pinheiro e Rosa High School.
* You can see more of CIVIS work at:

So, in Milan, school and community labs are done and as you can see from the picture, we have just finished to shoot our photo video reportage! We met and interviewed teachers, other students, parents, stakeholders, institutions and civic actors, we investigated the area where we live and mapped the several associations committed to social work in the hood, we discussed together about which are the most problematic issues for youth and community in general in the area and what might be the most effective and feasible solutions to be implemented and to give a valuable contribution. Happy, exited, with a new awareness, keen to continue and ready to go.. Soon we’ll share here and on our channels the video, stay tuned!


What a ride! This school year, the pupils fo the Atheneum Hasselt researched alternative actions at school level and then rolled up their sleeves in the city of Hasselt. They managed to choose 4 themes where they want to create a change (a child friendly city and the start-up of a youth radio) and conducted research through interviews on the street, polls, focus discussions and interviews with stakeholders and authorities of the city of Hasselt. Like to know the results? To be continued!

Here in Milan in front of the Creta Youth Center, shooting the Photo-Video reportage to tell about this first phase of the project.
Having fun with the classroom but while interviewing one of the community stakeholders.

Faro, Thessaloniki, Hasselt and Milan all have one important feature in common: Local young people have all worked hard to have a say in their schools and have come up with original initiatives. You can read all about it in the youth led civic initiative report and problem statement report that you can download per city on the website:

🏙️ The community labs have started in Faro! The second phase of the EducAction project continues with the participation of teachers and students from Pinheiro e Rosa High School.
To start this new phase we chose the month of April, to celebrate the themes of freedom, citizenship and youth participation!
In partnership with our school’s psychology and guidance office and its project “Saber Agir”, and with the support of the third year students of Youth Workers course, we organized a cycle of three sessions with several activities.
On April 14th, the first session (online) aimed to help identify problems and solutions (ongoing or to be implemented), in several areas of the Faro community (Human Rights, Environment, Sustainable Development, Health, Sexuality, Participation, Animal Welfare, Volunteering, Citizenship…), where our young people can somehow get involved and intervene 💪
We exchanged and debated ideas with the participation of 3 guests, namely:
– Fábio Simão – President of MAPS Movement to Support the AIDS Problem
– Carlos Reis – Coordinator of Refood
– Sofia Martins – member of the 2027 Faro European Capital of Culture Team
👩‍🏫 About 100 students and teachers attended this session.
🏫🏘️🌁⁉️“What is missing…in your school; in your street/neighborhood; in your city? Come up with solutions, proposals and measures for improvement and change”
🦸💡This was the challenge launched by the students of the Youth Workers course to each class representative students of Pinheiro e Rosa High School. In the session of April 21st, we continue working on the themes of citizenship and youth participation!
📊📣 The results were presented, by the students, in the 3rd session that closes this cycle: Wednesday, April 28th, in a Youth Assembly where everyone was invited to participate!
👩‍🎓🏫In this Student Assembly, to which the entire school community was invited, in a first phase, the results of the previous sessions were presented; in a second moment, there was space for the Pinheiro e Rosa High School students to present and explore the issues – related to the school, the neighborhood and the city – and their respective proposals/projects/solutions.
Some of these proposals were submitted to the School’s Participatory Budget.
To be continued….!
Stay tuned! 🙋
In ITALY Community Labs are rolling on!
The class already attended 5 labs and had the opportunity to meet, interview and discuss with some key actors from the community of the school.
That was a new and exciting way for students to learn more from organizations which work every day in the field and understand better from a different point of view the problems and the challenges for young people (and not only) living the community. So far, students met the representative of school parents’ council, the Milan city council member for welfare and women rights, “ la testa”, a local disability rights and advocacy organization and the youth center Creta, a youth civic engagement, volunteering, and activism organization.
This dialogue has been mutually enriching and a true inspiration for students to tackle and solve problems which affect them and think over what sort of challenges the community has to face. Now, 2 more labs are coming, finally the students will start elaborating all the information and drafting the territorial mapping needed to identify what they believe is the priority problem for the community and design a prototype solution to propose to the stakeholders involved in the project.
Much remains to be done, so stay tuned and greetings from Milan!
BELGIUM: After the school labs, the students of the Atheneum Hasselt are all set to make their mark in the community labs. They got the chance to ask their questions about the representation of youth in Hasselt directly to the youth service, represented by Mike Bonneux.
In small groups, the students also determined the theme they wanted to work on. To be continued!
Did you know… That you can also follow the individual cities that are participating in this project on Instagram?
On 23th of February, ECOS organised a webinar in which students from Faro presented what they would change in their schools and how. This was an inspiring webinar that gave participants a sense of how student participation can lead to success and how important it is to empower young people to have a voice.
De leerlingen van het 5de jaar Humane Wetenschappen stellen de resultaten van hun onderzoek voor! Wil je zelf meevolgen en weten wat er leeft bij de leerlingen van het Atheneum Hasselt? Schrijf je in voor het webinar op 12 maart via Je ontvangt de link na inschrijving.
We are proud to present our next community.
The EducAction Project (TEAP) empowers young people to get involved and to participate in their own community.
TEAP will be launched in 4 different local communities.
Asteri, the Greek partner of The EducAction project is located in Thessaloniki.
The participating students will work with the city of Thessaloniki and will be supported by the municipal services of Thessaloniki.
Stay tuned!
Portugal (Ecos): Faro
We are proud to present our next community.
The EducAction Project (TEAP) empowers young people to get involved and to participate in their own community.
TEAP will be launched in 4 different local communities, which we will all introduce to you these days.
Ecos, the Portuguese partner of The EducAction project is located in Faro. Faro is a beautiful city in the south of Portugal, has about 70.000 inhabitants and is also the capital of the Algarve.
The participating students will work with the city of Faro and will be supported by the municipal services of Faro.
Stay tuned! 
Italy (ActionAid): Milan
We are proud to present our next community.
The EducAction Project (TEAP) empowers young people to get involved and to participate in their own community.
TEAP will be launched in 4 different local communities, which we will all introduce to you these days.
The Italian partner ActionAId is joining forces with The youth education department of Zone 6 of the Municipality of Milan. . They are willing to share their knowledge and expertise and guide the young students on how a city works.
Belgium (UCLL): Hasselt
We are proud to present our first community.
The EducAction Project (TEAP) empowers young people to get involved and to participate in their own community.
TEAP will be launched in 4 different local communities, which we will all introduce to you these days.
The Belgian partner UCLL is joining forces with Hasselt as Local Community. They are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the young people of Hasselt.
The EducAction Project will involve four schools and four communities in Europe. We will present each community in the coming days, so stay tuned to find out who is taking action ✊
Roll up your sleeves, get your act together and make a change in your school and local community – starting from the bottom up. It’s about time you have your say. Go and change what you choose to change. You’re the boss.
Curious to find out more? Follow our project to find out what youth from all over Europe are doing in their community, and get inspired.