News and media
The EducAction project in Milan is taking its steps to finalisation.
In their presentation to class 4^H they summarised all the steps tat led tot the final solution of their project 💪
In Greece, the students of TEAP are searching, discussing, deciding and.. proposing solutions for a City for Youth 🤩
EducAction is taking big steps in Milan-
Presentation of project to class 4^H.
We have tried to summarise all the steps that led to the final solution of the project… Almost there!
What a great opportunity!
The pupils of the EducAction project from Hasselt had the chance to present their community proposal to the Hasselt city centre manager Ben Croonenborghs today.
He was able to tell them more about his position as a centre manager and his feedback for the proposals.
Thank you Ben Croonenborghs, it was nice to meet you!
The importance of youth participation.
That was the theme of today’s informative and inspiring webinar organised by the Belgian TEAP partner UCLL Research & Expertise. We had the opportunity to hear from experts in the field of participation from the organisations Bataljong and @Pimento . We also got the chance to explain the EducAction project to teachers, volunteers, policy makers and other participants who want to give young people a voice.
Fun way to start a new week!
Hungry for some inspiration to get started with youth participiation at school? You can download the problem statement report and the young led civic initiatives report per participating city on our website:
So, in Milan, school and community labs are done and as you can see from the picture, we have just finished to shoot our photo video reportage! We met and interviewed teachers, other students, parents, stakeholders, institutions and civic actors, we investigated the area where we live and mapped the several associations committed to social work in the hood, we discussed together about which are the most problematic issues for youth and community in general in the area and what might be the most effective and feasible solutions to be implemented and to give a valuable contribution. Happy, exited, with a new awareness, keen to continue and ready to go.. Soon we’ll share here and on our channels the video, stay tuned!
What a ride! This school year, the pupils fo the Atheneum Hasselt researched alternative actions at school level and then rolled up their sleeves in the city of Hasselt. They managed to choose 4 themes where they want to create a change (a child friendly city and the start-up of a youth radio) and conducted research through interviews on the street, polls, focus discussions and interviews with stakeholders and authorities of the city of Hasselt. Like to know the results? To be continued!
Faro, Thessaloniki, Hasselt and Milan all have one important feature in common: Local young people have all worked hard to have a say in their schools and have come up with original initiatives. You can read all about it in the youth led civic initiative report and problem statement report that you can download per city on the website: