
Let’s roll up our sleeves, get our act together and make a change in our school or local community starting from the bottom up. The EducAction project will target 4 school communities across Europe promoting civic and social competences among young people by strengthening school and local community centrality.

#youthempowerment #EducAction

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The youth of Faro, Hasselt, Milan and Thessaloniki are involved.

Vandaag hadden we een online internationaal Final Conference over het EducAction project. We gingen in interactie met onder andere een journalist uit Griekenland, een verantwoordelijke voor jeugdwerking in Milaan, een projectverantwoordelijke uit Portugal en natuurlijk de studenten die net als wij deelnamen aan het EducAction project. Een leerrijke voormiddag waaruit het belang van jongerenparticipatie centraal stond.❤️

#teap #educaction #theeducactionproject #youthparticipation

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What an experience! Hoe zalig dat we eindelijk ons eigen werk konden voorstellen aan de projectgroepen uit Thessaloniki, Milaan en Portugal. Daarnaast hielpen we mee aan het Europees manifest om jongerenparticipatie te boosten. 👏👏 Applausje voor onszelf 💪 #teap #theeducactionproject ...

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What a great opportunity!
We had the chance to present our community proposal to the Hasselt city centre manager Ben Croonenborghs.
He was able to tell us more about his position as a centre manager and his feedback for the proposals.

Thank you Ben Croonenborghs, it was nice to meet you!

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #atheneumhasselt #centrummanager #hasselt

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Photovideo reportage. Abbiamo realizzato questo photovideo reportage con l'aiuto di officinadellaproduzione
#theeducactionproject #officinadellaproduzione #cdecreta #municipio6 #handicapsulatesta #actionaiditalia #erasmusplus

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Intervista alla Prof. Guarnieri. Intervista alla Prof. Guarnieri sullo stato della scuola italiana e sul tema della dispersione scolastica.
#theeducactionproject #actionaiditalia #dispersionescolastica #orianimazzini

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È fuori onda il nostro, tanto atteso, film d'azione! Apparte gli scherzi, dopo un caldo infernale e tanto sudore, finalmente possiamo tirare un sospiro di sollievo e presentarvi questo interessante photo video reportage. Consiglio a tutti di andarlo subito a vedere e di imparare qualcosa di nuovo. D'altronde era questo uno degli obiettivi principali. Mi raccomando, lo trovate sul canale Youtube di actionaiditalia, con titolo: "Progetto Educ-Azione, Good Governance e Partecipazione Civica".
Ringrazio infine, a nome di tutta la classe 4H, i fantastici ragazzi del cde_creta e officinadellaproduzione, che hanno permesso tutto questo e i nostri bravi e coraggiosi attori.
Ancora grazie e buona visone!
#youtube #cdecreta #officinadellaproduzione

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👨‍🏫 O Adjunto do Director da Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa aeprosa, Prof. André Lara Ramos, foi convidado pela associação local Civis - Associação para o Aprofundamento da Cidadania* a participar, no dia 26 de Maio, numa sessão de debate online sobre o tema "Educação e Participação - A escola como contexto de promoção da cidadania e da participação juvenil".

✉️ Este convite foi também endereçado à equipa da coopecos, responsável pela coordenação local do projecto EducAction, implementado nesta escola secundária, com o intuito de apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido neste âmbito.

🏫 A escola é lugar privilegiado para o desenvolvimento integral de crianças e jovens. Em matéria de cidadania e participação, a sua centralidade e relações com a comunidade e entidades locais, são aspetos capazes de impulsionar o crescente envolvimento das camadas mais jovens na vida da sua comunidade e, consequentemente, fomentar o exercício de uma participação cívica cada vez mais informada, activa e empoderada.

🗣️ Partindo destes pressupostos, oradores e participantes enriqueceram a sessão com apresentações e um momento de debate em torno de estratégias e projectos que, tal como EducAction, visam promover a participação dos jovens na Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa.

*Pode conhecer mais acerca do trabalho desenvolvido pela CIVIS em:

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #educactionproject #EducAction #coopecos #aeprosa #participaçãojovem #participation #comunidade #community #communitylabs #youthparticipation #erasmus

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"Arte é...Mágica...Vida...Lá dentro...Liberdade...Isto...Ser humano...Aventura...Tudo...Alívio..."

Final da sessão "Chá das 5", um momento rico de partilhas com sabor a Arte, Cultura e Educação.

Ficámos a conhecer vários projectos do aeprosa, que começam na escola e se estendem às ruas da cidade, entre viagens a Marte, artistas que "vivem" (n)a escola, rádios 100 limite de som, provocações no olhar, teatro em palcos cobertos de tapetes mágicos, janelas musicais, podcasts sempre a aviar diferentes temas e assuntos...curiosos/as?
Fiquem a saber mais através de:






#chadas5 #aeprosa #planonacionaldasartes #planoculturaldeescola #coopecos #TEAP #theeducactionproject #saberagir #escola #comunidade #arte #cultura #educação #participação #jovens #erasmus

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De leerlingen van 5HW stellen de resultaten van hun onderzoek voor! Wil je zelf meevolgen en weten wat er leeft bij de leerlingen van het Atheneum? Schrijf je in voor het webinar op 12 maart via . (Of vind de link inbio). Je ontvangt de link na inschrijving.

#TEAP #participation #youth empowerment #theeducactionproject

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Het Atheneum Hasselt accepted the challenge! 💪✅

Grenzen verleggen en participatie zijn de sleutelwoorden van deze Hasseltse school. Ze motiveren hun leerlingen om zelf de touwtjes in handen te nemen. Benieuwd wat dat gaat geven bij het EducAction project? STAY TUNED!

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #participation #youthempowerment #UCLL

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Hasselt Hurray! We are proud to announce our local community.
We zijn blij om aan te kondigen dat de stad Hasselt mee in zee gaat met het EducAction project. Ze zijn bereid om hun kennis en expertise te delen met jongeren. Participatie en inspraak door en voor jongeren, dat is onze gezamenlijke agenda.

#TEAP #theeducactionproject #EducAction #hasselt #UCLL #communitylabs #participation

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What we do

It’s about time the students have their say. You guys go and change what you choose to change at your school. You’re the boss. Sounds good? Well, it goes even further… After the school’s tackled, it’s time to take the next step, your local community.

So you’re in charge, but we won’t let you down. Parents, teachers and the local government will be supporting you through the process.  So let’s kick some *ss!

Next to your school, 3 other schools in 3 different European countries are doing the same. During the programme, you will be updated by their actions

EducAction is a project co-funded by the European Union and involved 4 partners from 4 European countries. The action will target 4 “school communities” (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal) to improve social and civic competences of young people and their ability to be active citizens in their own community..

The 24 months’ intervention builds an integrated model of education and civic participation by working at individual, community and institutional level. First we will work at school level through school labs. The next phase is a scale-up of the same approach at the local authority level through community labs.

The action will target 4 “school communities” in 4 European countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal) to improve social and civic competences of young people and their ability to be active citizens in their own community.  The Project is funded by the European Union – Education, Audiovisual, and Cultural Executive Agency (Erasmus+).

European project partners

The selected project partners each have their own expertise that contributes to the project. They will manage the project and are responsible for the follow-up the intervention in their own city.

Faro_ECOS, Hasselt_UCLL, Thessaloniki_Asteri, Milan_ActionAid


The  action  will  target  4  “school  communities”  to  test  the  acquisition  of  social  and  civic competences and improve both the individual skills of young people and their ability to be active citizens  in their  own  community. Students, teachers and parents will be involved with a focus on the students as they will develop concrete solutions. The  action  is  based  on  two experimental Labs: one  within  the  school (School Labs)  and  one  open  to  the  whole  community (Community Labs). Curious about the participating schools?

You’ll find them by city.

Local authorities

The action will enhance student’s skills, building trust in their community and preparing them to navigate into adulthood. The contribution to the decision-making process of their own community play an active role in program/policy development and it is important in building and shaping youth involvement. Curious about the participating authorities?

You’ll find them by city.

Stakeholders network

At the local level based on an alliance between local public and private actors. At the national level, the project actors will promote the adoption of models of active youth citizenship in schools, such as the introduction of civic education national programmes or the very methods and techniques used by the project. At the European level, the project’s Partners will encourage active European citizenship and motivate young people to get involved in European politics. Would you like to be part of our stakeholders?

Let’s get in touch.

who we are
how we do it

EducAction is an action oriented project. We are going for it together, step by step. Bottom up. By organizing different labs and events:


School labs in the participating school

  • Open experimental lab within the school
  • Weekly sessions from September 2020 to January 2021
  • Involving students, teachers and parents
  • The students choose a challenges for the school in terms of participation.
  • Together they work on a solution to these challenges. At the end of the sessions, they present their work to the rest of the school.

Community labs

  • Weekly sessions from February 2021 to May 2021
  • The same group of students from the school labs will do research again: this time on challenges for the community of their city.
  • The students identify some of these challenges and work together to find solutions.
  • At the end of the sessions, they present their solutions. They can vote for different proposals.
  • The winning proposal is further elaborated in the next phase: community solutions.

Community solutions

  • Sessions from September 2021 to January 2022
  • Students get in contact with the community and receive feedback on the further implementation of their solution.
  • Together they work on a comprehensive Community Solution Proposal.
  • Students receive feedback of this proposal from city staff, who support them in collecting the correct data.
  • The finished Community Solution Proposal is presented to the rest of the community in an Action Day.


Local level

A public Open Day will mark the beginning of activities at the local level, raising awareness on the project key messages. .

National level

  • In each partner country, a National Workshop will be organized to spread the project messages and methods.
  • Specific follow-up meetings will be organized with interested stakeholders in order to find ways of sustainability to the project.

European level

  • A European Hackathon aimed to co-design and elaborate ideas for the participation of young people in the local decision-making procedures – will be organized.
  • A Final Conference in Milan at the end of the project where a Civic Participation Manifesto for improving the quantity and quality of the participation of young people in the definition of public policies will be presented.

In all the advocacy actions, young people will be actively engaged by partners and will be the key actors of every communication activity and events.

do it yourself

Getting inspired? Take a look at our deliverables to start your own actions.